Adventures with Iczer 3 (OVA)

While this dub was first released in 2005, it is copyrighted 1997 and was most likely produced back then.
- Director: Pat Griffiths
- Production Coordinator: Chris Bottone
- Executive Producer: Laurence Guinness
- Translation: Kaoru Mfaume
Main Cast
- Elly Fairman - Iczer 3
- Joanna MacInnes - Nagisa
- Anna Conrich - Atlos
- Elly Fairman - Kawaii
- Lesley Rooney - Neos Gold
- Mathonwy Reeves - Tsuya Yajin
- Mindy Lee Raskin
- Gorem
- Iczer 1
- Gorem
- Roger May - Rob
- Sarah Wateridge - Cpt. Candy
- Video Editing: DERWEN