Zero Woman: The Accused DVD
Based on the manga characer by Tohru Shinohara (Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion) comes the fourth installment to the Zero Woman franchise. Rei (Mai Tachihara; Ringu: Kanzen-ban) follows Mutoh’s orders from the Zero Department, but the working relationship between the two is becoming strained as the nomadic life of an assassin takes its toll on Rei both physically and emotionally. While gathering intelligence on a new target, Rei meets a young man willing to whore himself out for money to any man willing to pay. Taking Mitsuru (Yuujin Kitagawa; Eko Eko Azarak 2) under her care, Rei slowly begins to change now that she has a companion in her life. However, when a string of murders pop up in the area and carry the style only a professional assassin like a Zero Woman can do, Rei tries to switch back to business to clear her name. Directed by Daisuke Gotoh (Scorpion’s Revenge, Zero Woman 2) comes Zero Woman: Namae no Nai onna as Zero Woman: The Accused from Central Park Media’s Asia Pulp Cinema. (more…)