Super Street Fighter II: Cammy Manga
Masahiko Nakahira wrote and illustrated several Street Fighter related manga titles (SF Zero, Sakura Ganbaru! , SFIII: Ryu Final) at the height of the game’s first rise in popularity. Cammy Gaiden was picked up and published chapter-by-chapter in English in the Viz-owned Game On! magazine to the delight of many hardcore Street Fighter fans. Second only to Chun-Li in popularity, Cammy stands as one of the most popular additions to the Street Fighter series since Street Fighter II was originally released. The British intelligence agent’s unknown past also leaves writers with a fairly open chance to explain in detail how Cammy ended up working under Shadowloo, why she has only scattered memories of her past, and what drove her to become the powerhouse fighter she is today. Nakahira fills in some of the gaps in Cammy’s MI6/Shadowloo background and training through four stories in Super Street Fighter II: Cammy from Viz. (more…)