Lady Terminator (live action)
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Original Title: The Revenge of the South Sea Queen
Episodes: 1
Dub Release: 1988
ADR Production: Intersound, Inc.
Union Status: Unknown
As CrystalAcids has been unable to obtain a usable official cast list for this title, actor names listed here should be treated mainly as fan speculation.
- Dialogue Coach: Dave Mallow
- Christy Mathewson - Max McNeil
- Drew Thomas - Tom
- Marilyn Lane - Tania Wilson
- Penny Sweet - Erica
- Barry Stigler - Jack
- Catherine Luciani - Queen
- Cliff Wells - Uncle Masabu
- Don Warner - Erica's Ascendant
- Jeffrey Platt - Beach Bum 1
- Julie Maddalena - Marianne
- Mikey Godzilla - Snake
- Myron Mensc - Librarian
- Philboyd Studge - Ship Captain
- Ryan O'Flannigan
- Beach Bum 2
- Narrator
- Wendee Swan - Jill Peterson
- Ben Gibson
- Bar Thug 1
- Popeye
- Colin Phillips - Bearded Cop
- Don Warner
- Barkeep
- Morgue Worker
- Jeffrey Platt
- Hotel Server
- Tub
- Jonathan Alexander
- Joe
- Radio Cop
- Surveillance
- Ryan O'Flannigan
- Bar Thug 2
- Sgt. Pono
- Unidentified:
- Linda's Friend
- Linda
- Sgt. Betty