E.Y.E.S. of Mars (movie)

Original Title: MOTHER: Eve - The Last Girl
Episodes: 1 (Incomplete)
Dub Release: 9 September 1997
ADR Production: JKB Daira Inc.
Recording Studio: Magno Sound and Video
Release Studio: Celebrity Home Entertainment
Union Status: Non-union
- Director:
- ADR Engineer: Mark DeSimone
- Re-Recording Mixer: Michael Jordan
- Production Supervisor: Ron Kalish
- Project Coordinator: Marty Fieg
- Producer:
- Screenplay:
- Translation:
- Billy Regan - Dew
- Suzie Meadows - Eve Doorson
- Ann Houlihan - Mayor Alister
- Brooke Shephard - Mary Doorson
- Bruce Nielsen - Arron Doorson
- Dante Boccaccio - Shail Hadam
- Shecky Kline - Ms. Theodore
- Simone Grant - Sarah
- B. Pinkerton - DeCardin
- Billy Regan - Robin
- Bruce Nielsen - Louis
- John Rogers - Messenger
- Robert Lawrence - Sheldon
- Billy Regan - Old Man B
- Jenna Matthews - Muriel
- Laura Jane - Nellie
- Patrice Timoney - Cynthia
- Rebe Boylan - Elizabeth
- Ron Kalish - Old Man A
- End Title Credits: Cynosure Visuals
- Producer: Gericho Entertainment
- Voice Casting: Speakeasy