Full Cast - Princess Tutu (TV) (episodes 1 to 26)
- 1. The Duck and the Prince
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Jennie Welch (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Additional Voices: Jennifer Alyx, John Swasey, Kelly Manison, Robin Terry, Serena Varghese, Shelley Calene-Black
- 2. Heart Shard
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Christine M. Auten (Edel), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Jennie Welch (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: Tiffany Grant (Anteaterina)
Additional Voices: Jennifer Alyx, Robin Terry, Serena Varghese, Shelley Calene-Black
- 3. The Princess's Vow
Recurring: Christine M. Auten (Edel), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Jennie Welch (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: Kelly Manison (Ebine)
- 4. Giselle
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Christine M. Auten (Edel), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Jennie Welch (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: Robin Terry (Wili Maiden)
Additional Voices: Jennifer Alyx, John Swasey, Serena Varghese, Shelley Calene-Black
- 5. On the Night of the Fire Festival
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Christine M. Auten (Edel), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Jennie Welch (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: Kim Prause (Lamp Spirit)
Additional Voices: John Swasey, Kelly Manison, Serena Varghese
- 6. Dreaming Aurora
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Christine M. Auten (Edel), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Jennie Welch (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: John Swasey (Paulo), Shelley Calene-Black (Paulamoni)
Additional Voices: Amanda Jung, Blake Shepard, John Swasey, Serena Varghese, Varsha Bhuchar
- 7. The Crow Princess
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Christine M. Auten (Edel), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Jennie Welch (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Incidental: Kira Vincent-Davis (Chihuajuan)
Additional Voices: Amanda Jung, Blake Shepard, Kira Vincent-Davis, Serena Varghese, Varsha Bhuchar
- 8. The Warrior's Fountain
Recurring: Christine M. Auten (Edel), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Jennie Welch (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Additional Voices: Amanda Jung, Blake Shepard, John Swasey, Kira Vincent-Davis, Serena Varghese, Varsha Bhuchar
- 9. The Black Shoes
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Christine M. Auten (Edel), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Jennie Welch (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: Kira Vincent-Davis (Malen), Robert Leeds (Used Bookstore Owner)
Additional Voices: Amanda Jung, Blake Shepard, John Swasey, Kira Vincent-Davis, Robert Leeds, Serena Varghese, Varsha Bhuchar
- 10. Cinderella
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Christine M. Auten (Edel), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Jennie Welch (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: Robert Leeds (Karon)
Incidental: Celeste Roberts (Crocodelia)
Additional Voices: Bobby Gordon, Celeste Roberts, Emma Crabb, Matt Crawford
- 11. La Sylphide
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Christine M. Auten (Edel), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Jennie Welch (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Incidental: Celeste Roberts (Malay Bear)
Additional Voices: Bobby Gordon, Celeste Roberts, Emma Crabb, Matt Crawford
- 12. Banquet of Darkness
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Christine M. Auten (Edel), Jennie Welch (Narrator)
- 13. Swan Lake
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Christine M. Auten (Edel), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Jennie Welch (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
- 14. The Raven
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Marcy Bannor (Narrator), Mike Kleinhenz (The Raven), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Incidental: Christine M. Auten (Meerkat Bro 3), John Swasey (Meerkat Bro 1), Kaytha Coker (Meerkat Bro 5), Serena Varghese (Meerkat Bro 4), Vic Mignogna (Meerkat Bro 2)
Additional Voices: Adam Conlon, Hannah Powell, Jeorge Gonzales
- 15. Coppelia
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Adam Conlon (Autor), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Marcy Bannor (Narrator), Mike Kleinhenz (The Raven), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Incidental: Christine M. Auten (Meerkat Bro 3), John Swasey (Meerkat Bro 1, Armadylan), Vic Mignogna (Meerkat Bro 2)
Additional Voices: Adam Conlon, Amanda Jung, Hannah Powell, Jeorge Gonzales, Kaytha Coker, Serena Varghese
- 16. The Maiden's Prayer
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Christine M. Auten (Uzura), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Marcy Bannor (Narrator), Mike Kleinhenz (The Raven), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: Kaytha Coker (Freya)
Incidental: Christine M. Auten (Judge C), John Swasey (Judge A), Vic Mignogna (Judge B)
Additional Voices: Adam Conlon, Amanda Jung, Hannah Powell, Hilary Haag, Kaytha Coker, Serena Varghese
- 17. Crime and Punishment
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Adam Conlon (Autor), Christine M. Auten (Uzura), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Marcy Bannor (Narrator), Mike Kleinhenz (The Raven), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: John Swasey (Montand), Vic Mignogna (Femio)
Incidental: Hilary Haag (Cockatilila), Serena Varghese (Parakeeta)
Additional Voices: Adam Conlon, Amanda Jung, Hannah Powell, Jeorge Gonzales, Matt Crawford, Matt Wittmeyer
- 18. The Wandering Knight
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Marcy Bannor (Narrator), Mike Kleinhenz (The Raven), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: Serena Varghese (Drama Club Member A)
Incidental: Amanda Jung (Drama Club Member B), Hilary Haag (Boanita), Kaytha Coker (Drama Club Member C)
Additional Voices: Amanda Jung, Christine M. Auten, Hannah Powell, Hilary Haag, Serena Varghese
- 19. A Midsummer Night's Dream
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Adam Conlon (Autor), Christine M. Auten (Uzura), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Marcy Bannor (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: Hilary Haag (Hermia)
Incidental: Morgan McCarthy (Aardvarka), Rob de los Reyes (Lysander)
- 20. The Forgotten Story
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Christine M. Auten (Uzura), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Marcy Bannor (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: Monica Rial (Raetsel), Robert Leeds (Karon)
Incidental: Christine M. Auten (Ostricha), Lidia Porto (Florist)
Additional Voices: TJP, Hilary Haag, Morgan McCarthy, Rob de los Reyes
- 21. The Spinners
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Adam Conlon (Autor), Christine M. Auten (Uzura), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Marcy Bannor (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: Lidia Porto (Oak Tree), Robert Leeds (Used Bookstore Owner)
Incidental: Luci Christian (Hammerhead Batson)
Additional Voices: TJP, Adam Conlon, Christine M. Auten, Hilary Haag, Jay Hickman, Jessica Boone, Lidia Porto, Morgan McCarthy, Rob de los Reyes
- 22. Crown of Stone
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Adam Conlon (Autor), Christine M. Auten (Uzura), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Marcy Bannor (Narrator), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: Robert Leeds (Used Bookstore Owner)
Incidental: TJP (Book Man 2), Adam Conlon (Bookman 3), Hilary Haag (Kid A), Lidia Porto (Mother Rhinoceros), Monica Rial (Kid B), Rob de los Reyes (Book Man 1)
- 23. Marionette
Recurring: Adam Conlon (Autor), Christine M. Auten (Edel, Uzura), Marcy Bannor (Narrator), Mike Kleinhenz (The Raven)
Episodic: Robert Leeds (Used Bookstore Owner)
Incidental: Blake Shepard (Clown 2), Chris Ayres (Clown 3), Darrel Hegar (Man B), Greg Ayres (Clown 4), Greg Calvert (Man C), Helen Wilson (Woman), John Swasey (Clown 1), Robert Leeds (Clown 5), Todd Looney (Man A)
- 24. The Prince and the Raven
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Adam Conlon (Autor), Christine M. Auten (Edel, Uzura), Marcy Bannor (Narrator), Mike Kleinhenz (The Raven)
Incidental: Blake Shepard (Ostrich Guy), Christine M. Auten (Girl)
- 25. The Dying Swan
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Adam Conlon (Autor), Christine M. Auten (Uzura), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Marcy Bannor (Narrator), Mike Kleinhenz (The Raven), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Incidental: Blake Shepard (Town People/Crow), Chris Ayres (Town People/Crow), Christine M. Auten (Town People/Crow), Greg Ayres (Town People/Crow), John Swasey (Town People/Crow)
- 26. Finale
Recurring: TJP (Mr. Cat), Adam Conlon (Autor), Christine M. Auten (Edel, Uzura), Cynthia Martinez (Pike), Marcy Bannor (Narrator), Mike Kleinhenz (The Raven), Sasha Paysinger (Lilie)
Episodic: Robert Leeds (Used Bookstore Owner)
Incidental: Blake Shepard (Town People/Crow, Kittens), Chris Ayres (Town People/Crow, Kittens), Christine M. Auten (Town People/Crow, Mrs. Cat), Greg Ayres (Town People/Crow, Kittens), John Swasey (Town People/Crow)