Record of Lodoss War (OVA)

Original Title: Lodoss to Senki
Episodes: 13
Dub Release: 1996
Sub Release: 7 March 1995
ADR Production: National Video Center (National Sound)
Release Studio: U.S. Manga Corps
Union Status: Non-union
- ADR Director:
- Assistant Editor: Mark Longchamps
- Video Editor: Robert O'Malley
- Recording Engineer: Francis Fletcher
- Post Production Assistant:
- Post Production Supervisor: Michael Alben
- Production Coordinator: Stephanie Shalofsky
- Executive Producer: John O'Donnell
- Translator: Neil Nadelman
- Lyric Adaptation:
- Script Adaptation: Michael Alben
Main Cast
- Al Muscari - Slayn
- Billy Regan - Parn
- Gregory Wolfe - Ghim
- Jacques LeCan - Woodchuck
- Lisa Ortiz - Deedlit
- Ted Lewis - Etoh
- Alexander J. Rose
- Narrator
- Wort
- Bob Barry - Beld
- Chris Yates
- King Kashu
- Orson
- Jacques LeCan - Karla
- Jayce Reeves - Wagnard
- John Knox - Ashram
- Karen Smith - Shiris
- Simone Grant - Karla
Media Production
- Menu Design: Resolution
- Production: Image Entertainment
- Premastering: Resolution
- In House Production: Justin Sevakis
- Coordinator: Eric Thomann
- In House Production Manager: Tim Werenko