SuperGALS! Season 2

Filed under: News — S. @ 3:09 pm

After being passed over by ADV Films, RightStuf has announced the license of the second season of SuperGALS! to be released December 1st in a 26-episode subtitled box set for $49.98 (pre-orders before November 20th get it for $37.49). The first 600 pre-orders through will also get their name mentioned in the “Special Thanks” section of the DVDs. You can view the trailer through RightStuf’s new SuperGALS! website.


  1. Yay!! I thought that Super Gals! was over after the last episode of the first season! But it’s not! Yay Right stuf and ADV films!

  2. damn…is there any manga for super gals?

    • aya
    • September 21, 2006 | Link
  3. Yes, CMX Manga (aka DC Comics) publishes the manga series under the title “GALS!”. The 8th volume comes out Nov. 22nd.

    Link to Vol.01: