Inuyasha Movie 3 cast
In his livejournal, Inuyasha producer Toshifumi Yoshida writes that they’re recording the dub for the 3rd movie this month. He says Dale Wilson will play Inuyasha’s father, Michael Dobson will play Saya, Sounga went to Ward Perry, and Takemaru is being played by Jonathan Holmes.
Further, he reveales that they’re up to working on episode 128 of the TV series, having recently cast Chiara Zanni as the voice of the infant incarnation of Naraku. Unfortunately, as Saffron Henderson has moved to Los Angeles, they’ve also had to recast Sota and Eri, who will now be played by Rebecca Shoichet.
wow I cant wait for the thrid movie to come out
OMG! OMG! OMG! I LOVE INYASHA!!!! I can’t wait for the 3rd movie to come out in september. I hope they come out with, like, more than five Inuyasha movies!! That would be so totally AWESOME!!!! Anyways, Inyasha, I think, is the best anime I have ever watched, and also the best manga i have ever read!!!! VIVA LA INUYASHA!!!!!!
I positivley adore inuyasha!!!!! im just conserned about it ending soon. i cant friggin beleive they would do such a thing to us inuyasha fantics!!!! but i cant wiat until the 4rth movie comes out! im sure it will be the bomb!!! u can count on that! *sigh* maybe they’ll come out with an inuyasha 5 movie….yea….i wonder…….ANYWAYS!!!….porbly not though right? well, to all u inuyasha fans out there, LETS PRAY!!!!
i seen movie 3 and i liked it so i home they make 5 more