Overman King Gainer Website/Cast News

Filed under: Cast Lists,News — S. @ 7:18 pm

Bandai Entertainment has opened up a website to show off their new series Overman King Gainer. On the website you will find images, a trailer, and bios of the main characters for the show dubbed by Bang Zoom! Entertainment.

Gainer “King Gainer” SangaDarrel Guilbeau
Gain “Black Southern Cross” BijouRon Allen
Sara KodamaOlivia O’Connor
Princess Ana MedaiyuMichelle Ruff
Adette KistlerWendee Lee
Meeya LaujinKate Davis


  1. I think they may have gotten the two male leads mixed up here, because listening to the trailer Gain sounds like Ron Allen, while Gainer is played by someone I haven’t heard before, which would fit with Darrel playing him.

    • drakh
    • February 24, 2005 | Link
  2. You’re right, the website has it incorrectly listed. I hadn’t bothered to watch the trailer until you mentioned that. I’ve swapped the two roles around.