Yoko Ishida US mall tour

Filed under: Press Releases — S. @ 10:08 am

Press Release: Geneon Entertainment

New News From GENEON!

August 29, 2005


Mainstream Tour Demonstrates Rapidly Growing Popularity Of Anime In U.S.

LONG BEACH, Calif. – Geneon Entertainment, a leader in introducing anime to the United States, announced today that it is partnering with Musicland to produce the Anime Fusion tour, a national mall tour featuring Japanese singing sensation Yoko Ishida. Yoko is well-known among anime fans as the voice behind the theme songs of many best-selling anime titles. She will perform in Suncoast and Media Play locations hroughout the country along with the Para Para dancers, who embody the dance craze unleashed by the red-hot Para Para Paradise videogames. “This is the first time that anime has truly crossed over to become an entertainment event in mainstream retail locations,” said Mark Roche, VP of Marketing, Geneon Entertainment. “We are thrilled to be partnering with Musicland to help satisfy American fans’ appetite for Japanese pop culture and bring this talented artist to the attention of a wider audience.” Geneon and Musicland will combine efforts to promote the in-store events through advertising in major anime publications, a viral online marketing campaign, in-store signage, flyers and a public relations campaign. In addition, Geneon will undertake a merchandise initiative in each store to include displays of DVDs, CDs and other products featuring Yoko Ishida and the Para Para Max franchise. The tour schedule is as follows (subject to change):

Part 1 – East Coast
September 3, 2005 – Mall of America in Minneapolis, MN
September 10, 2005 – Lynnhaven Mall in Virginia Beach, VA
September 17, 2005 – Jacksonville Mall in Jacksonville, NC
September 23-25, 2005 – Anime Weekend Atlanta, GA
September 30, 2005 – Amherst in Buffalo, NY*
October 2, 2005 – Manhattan Mall in New York City, NY

Part 2 – West Coast
January 7, 2006 – Westlake Shopping Center in Seattle WA
January 14, 2006 – Family Center Mid-Valley Mall in Salt Lake City, UT*
January 21, 2006 – Brookhill Shopping Center in Denver, CO*
January 28, 2006 – Mission Valley Center in San Diego, CA
February 4, 2006 – Ingram Park Mall in San Antonio, TX
All tour dates are in Suncoast stores, except for asterisked cities, which are in Media Play locations.

About Geneon Entertainment
A leading supplier of Japanese animation in North America, GENEON ENTERTAINMENT (USA) INC. (www.geneonanimation.com) is a full-service producer and distributor of entertainment content including film, music, animation and television shows on DVD and CD. Continually introducing new and classic anime and live-action programming, as well as anime CD soundtracks, the company also serves as a creative partner to many of Japan’s top anime production companies. Additionally, Geneon Entertainment distributes critically acclaimed musical performances on DVD and CD from renowned artists. Headquartered in Long Beach, California, Geneon Entertainment’s parent company is Tokyo-based advertising giant Dentsu, Inc.

Dentsu Inc., founded in 1901, is the largest advertising agency brand and the fifth largest marketing and communications organization in the world. Based in Tokyo, Dentsu offers national, multinational and global clients the most comprehensive range of advertising and marketing services through its unique “Total Communications Services” approach. Dentsu has pioneered and set global standards for integrated communications, which in latter years have been adopted by a number of major international networks. Dentsu’s consolidated revenues for fiscal term 03/04 were recorded at $16.1 billion. Dentsu is publicly traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

About Musicland
Musicland Group Inc. is a leading national specialty retailer of music, movies and games that appeal to trend-conscious, entertainment-focused consumers. The company is expanding and diversifying its key entertainment offerings to satisfy the changing needs of its consumers. Musicland operates more than 900 retail stores and online under the names Sam Goody (samgoody.com), Media Play (mediaplay.com) and Suncoast Motion Picture Company (suncoast.com) in 48 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.



    I’m glad someone’s finally bringing eurobeat and para para over here. Freakin’ finally! I will die happy. And I’m so going to see the tour.

    Thank you Geneon!! ^_^

  2. Umm hi

    Where can we get udates on the tour if anything changes? Im in Colorado and I found the place were she’ll be at, but Mediaplay is going out of business. On the up side all anime products are 30%-50% off and I took off like a bandit on that one, but now where will she go? AGH ! ! !

    • Joshie
    • December 28, 2005 | Link
  3. I also live in colorado and I was wondering if you can tell me what mall its coming to. I went to the site and it told me both Park meadows mall and Flatiron crossings so I dont nkow which to go to :/ Can somone help?

  4. Ok I just found a flyer and it is going to be at Park Meadows. Boy I lucked out on that one, but I might have to leave early……..why cant I ever get rid of this dark cloud ofer my head. *sigh*

    • Joshie
    • January 22, 2006 | Link
  5. For those interested you may find more information on the tour at http://www.animefusiontour.com. It should have the tour dates listed there as well.

    • JenSeki
    • January 24, 2006 | Link