Cursed DVD
Based on a story by Yumeaki Hirayama (Tokyo Psycho), Nao Niigaki (j-idol Hiroko Sato) works part-time at Mitsuya Mart, a store that has some weird things going on. Odd customers, disturbing owners, and strange events keep occurring. Ryouko Kagami (Kyoko Akiba) of the large Cosmos Mart convienence-store-chain has arrived to oversee adding the small Mitsuya Mart run by the Kitaura family, yet even her first moments in the store are met with odd happenings. The owners look almost like corpses and the wall clock reveals that she’s already two hours late to her appointment with the Kitaura family, despite Nao being able to see that the clock really says Kagami is on-time. Tokyo Shock brings Yoshihiro Hoshino’s vision of Hirayama’s original story with Cursed (‘Cho’ Kowai Hanashi A: Yami no Karasu). (more…)