Hannah Montana beats Goku senseless

Filed under: News — S. @ 2:03 pm

Anyone with half a brain saw this coming. Why FOX didn’t go for the straight-to-DVD sales and avoid a complete disaster at the box office is beyond me, but their misguided hope that a popular series like Dragon Ball could still carry enough weight to beat Hannah Montana and six other films has failed. Dragonball: Evolution pulled a pathetic $4.65 million at the U.S. box office on its first weekend making it number 8 in the Top 10 list.

The toys are sitting unwanted on shelves everywhere. TV commercials have been almost non-existent. The movie has been floating online for several weeks now between cam versions and clips from FOX Australia’s workprint for the few still desperate enough to want to see how bad the film really is. The poor box office results will hopefully be the final nail in the Dragon Ball sequel coffin that FOX was planning and then put on hold last summer.

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